8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218

Legacy and Planned Giving

Dianthus Flowers

Legacy and Planned Giving

Leave a Legacy

Through thoughtful financial and estate planning, you can leave a legacy gift for the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Your gift will help ensure that we can continue our mission for generations to come. The Arboretum offers several ways that you can perpetually support one of the most beautiful gardens in the world and be recognized for your commitment to the Dallas Arboretum community.

Autumn trees in a field

Planned Gifts

A planned gift allows you to enjoy charitable income, gift and/or estate tax deductions, while making a more significant gift than you might have felt comfortable making during your lifetime.

There are a variety of ways available to help you reach your financial and charitable goals while supporting the garden:

  • Include the Dallas Arboretum Foundation in your will or living trust
  • Name the Dallas Arboretum Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, IRA or life insurance policy
  • Designate the Dallas Arboretum Foundation as the beneficiary of your money market, checking or savings account

Ready to learn more? As always, consult with your financial or legal advisor to determine which option may work best for you. To learn more about planned giving opportunities, please contact Missy Whisler at 214-515-6688 or mwhisler@dallasarboretum.org.

Endowment Gifts

When you give to our endowment fund, you provide the financial security the Dallas Arboretum needs to remain one of the nation’s premier botanical gardens.

The Arboretum has operated in the black for the past 25 years by carefully managing income and controlling expenses. Events out of our control, such as sustained bad weather or an economic downturn, can threaten the garden’s standard of excellence and might curtail our ability to serve the community.

Your contribution to our endowment fund helps to provide a portion of the annual income for:

  • Maintaining and enhancing the garden
  • Offering exceptional programs, public events and festivals
  • Providing childhood educational opportunities for the underserved youth of our community

For more information about our endowment fund or to establish a named endowment fund, please contact Missy Whisler at 214-515-6688 or mwhisler@dallasarboretum.org.

Trailing snapdragons flowers

Other Ways to Give

Planned Giving makes a huge difference to help the Dallas Arboretum progress its mission. There are many other ways to contribute as well.